Online Induction Portal
Northern Transportables is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees. The online induction is to provide employees with information on health, safety and appropriate conduct in the workplace. The induction will include a safety training video covering the following areas including general safety principles, hazardous and high risk work, risk management, asbestos awareness and emergency response.
Accessing the Online Induction Portal
To start your induction, click the “Take The Online Induction” button. The process takes approximately 20 minutes.
Important Notes:
Employees are required to complete the online induction a minimum of 2 days prior to your start date on site.
You will be required to upload photo ID, construction industry induction card and any qualifications or competencies. Please ensure these are readily available before commencing your induction. You can upload either a photo, .doc, .pdf or .jpeg
- For First Time Access you will be required to enter the username and password that has been provided to you. For future access to the site, keep your access details in a secure location.
Right to Work in Australia
Some Northern Transportable projects are subject to the requirements of employees providing evidence of their right to work in Australia.
Evidence of Right to Work can be in the form:
- an Australian or New Zealand Passport ID page;
- an Australian or New Zealand Birth Certificate;
- an Australian Naturalisation Certificate; or
- a Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) PDF and Passport ID page (same passport as used to conduct the VEVO).
Privacy Statement
Northern Transportables acknowledges and respects the privacy of individuals and will operate in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 as amended and covers all operations and functions of Northern Transportables. Northern Transportables will not collect personal information unless the information is necessary for its business purposes. Collection of personal information will be fair, lawful and non-intrusive. Northern Transportables will only collect sensitive information with the individual’s consent or as required by law. Personal information will only be used for the purposes for which it was collected.