Project Overview

Raytheon - Delamere Village

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The project consisted of the supply and installation of a Remote Camp with 64 accommodation rooms, a commercial kitchen/freezer storage, cool rooms, a dining room, a gym, a tavern, a recreation room, offices, laundries, a bore, a water treatment plant, a wastewater treatment plant, an effluent irrigation system, a power station, all service reticulation and commissioning, and ongoing maintenance of the facility.

The preliminaries entailed detailed design, geotechnical investigation, topographical investigations, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, fire engineering, environmental approvals, structural engineering, liquor licensing, and an NCC conformance report.

The delivery of the camp had various challenges. The first was the remote location of the site; there was no accommodation within 120 km for the installation staff. To mitigate this, Northern Transportables constructed a fly camp for the staff. The second was locating a reliable water source; however, this was found by drilling the first bore at 80 m deep, and it achieved twice the volume required. The third challenge was meeting the client’s requirements to accommodate 40 staff within our fly camp while they executed short-term defence exercises. Northern Transportables’ can-do attitude provided the solution to meet client expectations.

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